Applied / Not Applied Report Descriptions

When the you click Apply button, RFgen scans for a key match between the RF Form (i.e. application, system menus, menus under Menu and Roles, and SideBars) AND the selected Reference Language files (also called the Text Resource file).

A key is the string value in a graphical prompt (i.e. an application's control property such as a Caption, Null Text, or message) property.

The results are written to the Applied and Not Applied tabs (reports) based on the boxes checked and whether the key found a match, was empty and if the TextIds matched, were empty etc.


Example Form, Button Caption: Submit, TextID: CapSubmit



Example Text Resource File with TextID: CapSubmit, Translation Text: Submit, Reference Text: Submit

If OverWrite IDs is unchecked + Include Scripts Validation are Unchecked

Applied Tab

Will list the graphical control properties if a new TextIDs was inserted into the graphical control property's TextId field. Condition: The prompt/control property's string value matches the Resource Language, Translation Text value, and the control property's TextID field is empty.

* Scripts are excluded.

Not Applied Tab

Will list the graphical control properties if the control property's value:

  • Does not match the Translated Text value, but the TextIDs are the same.
  • Does not match the Translated Text value, and the property TextId is empty.
  • Does not have a corresponding TextID in the Reference Language file. (This is possible if an TextId was assigned the Translated Text was showing up in the control property, but then the developer entered a new value in the control property field and did not create a matching TextID in the Reference Language (Text Resources) file.
  • Is empty and its TextId is blank, or there was a TextID assigned to the control property, but the developer deleted the value in the control property field.)
  • Is the same as the Translated Text value, but the TextIds are different.

* Scripts are excluded.


If Update Existing IDs is checked

Applied Tab

a) New TextIDs (new keys) are inserted into graphical control properties TextId field if there's a match between the values (property's string and Translation Text), and the control property's TextID field is empty.
b) The Translation Text value will not overwrite the value in the control property field if there isn't a key for both values. (This can happen if on the form, the Translation Text value is showing up on the control on the form in an app, a new value was manually typed into the control property text field, and the new value does not have a TextID in the Reference Language/Text Resource file.
c) The Translation Text value will overwrite the value in the control property field if there is a key for both values in the Reference Lanaguage/Text Resource file.

* Scripts are excluded.

Not Applied Tab Same as Not Applied tab above.


Applied Report Notes

Applied <key> - The key named <key> was applied to a property of this control.


(New) Applied <key> - The key named <key> was applied to a property of this control,

AND this is either a new insert on a prompt that previously had no Text ID,

OR an overwrite to some existing Text ID that did not match the prompt text.


Not Applied Report Notes

No key found for text - The text found at this prompt (caption, null text, header, etc.) did not match any Text ID

"Translation Text" defined in the given Text Resource.


Empty text - The text found at this prompt (caption, null text, header, etc.) was empty so no Text ID is applied.


Data link enabled - This Label prompt has its property "Data Link Enabled" set to "True".

Data Link Enabled prompts do not use Translations so no Text ID is applied.


Bound to column - This Label prompt is bound to a column (i.e., a Panel list column).

Data bound prompts do not use Translations so no Text ID is applied.


Applied/Not Applied Column Headings

Module - The type of module; i.e. Form, script etc.

Name - The name of the application.

Prompt Type - The type of control.

Prompt - The name of the control.

Property - For graphic controls, the property containing the string value. For scripts, "Key" is the TextID that acts as the key to the translation resource.

Value - For graphic controls, this is the string value assigned to the graphical property. For scripts, this is the TextID or the optional text to be used if there isn't a matched value for the TextID.

Notes - See the section below for descriptions